Building cars can be an expensive industry and while we know that buying a new car can be quite expensive on its own, the automaker is also responsible for a fair amount of the upfront costs as well. Whilst steel prices fluctuate, in general they go up and OEM’s continue to squeeze their supply chain.
Reducing the costs

Aluminium or high-strength steel shells?
In an effort to reduce the cost of cars and in order to produce more efficient cars, many auto makers are using lightweight aluminum in the construction of their automobiles vs high strength steels. These materials are not only lighter, easier to ship, better in crash results but also a little bit cheaper as well.
Building components for automobiles out of this style of aluminum can be a fantastic way to cut down on costs while ensuring better emission standards overall. By using lightweight materials the car doesn’t need to have as large an engine or expel as much energy in order to propel the car. This is part of the reason why so many auto makers are including it in the use of their electric and hybrid models.
Technological Changes
Automotive technology has come a long way and with forged high strength steel parts comes excess cost in manufacturing as well as added emissions in the manufacturing process. Lightweight aluminum can be easily manipulated, stamped and used in a variety of automotive components. It cuts down on manufacturing time, crumples in an accident while absorbing an impact and it can help auto makers to take advantage of modern automotive standards for construction.
Lightweight aluminum can be easily manipulated, stamped and used in a variety of automotive components.
High strength steel is pricing itself out of the automotive industry. Not only are manufacturers finding new material types which can offer greater advantages, but they are using the lightweight aluminum in new ways to produce more beautiful, streamlined and better performing vehicles.
Automotive technology is leaning towards greater efficiencies and this means using lighter materials such as aluminum in the construction of future auto parts and vehicles.
Post from John Nollett
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